OK… People told me there would be a lot of water in the “Amazônia brasileira”. Of course I saw the “meeting of the waters”, where the Black River meets Solimões River and where both rivers run side by side for more than 6 km without mixing. People also mentioned the diversity of animals in this region. I agree: the Amazon rainforest is considered one of the most species-rich places on earth. The Negro River has more species than all European rivers combined!

Amazonas boat trip

Amazonas rain

But why didn’t anyone tell me that a city girl like me should take “back to basics” literally here? No electricity, but oh so happy when I saw fireflies. No hot shower, but hey, enough humidity and enough water to take a dive! No comfortable box spring, but sleeping in hammocks under the dark sky. Waking up before dawn to go fishing for piranhas that ended grilled on our plate for dinner.

Amazonas night


What an unforgettable adventure… I enjoyed every breathtaking sunrise, each deserted beach we passed with our boat. I found rest in the Amazon’s silent desertedness and the endless company of the toucan’s song. Adrenaline ran through my veins when we went out at night catching alligators or luring tarantulas out of their holes. I will never forget the juicy fresh fruits for breakfast and the tasty dinners with piranha and alligator meat.

Amazonas piranha fishing

Amazonas spider Amazonas boat trip 3 Amazonas boat trip2 Amazonas alligator