It is time… Time to leave the C-word behind us and rediscover that which I’ve missed most: traveling! I will be journeying through France to rediscover my old ...
‘Are there any vineyards in Germany?’ I hear you ponder. The answer is, of course there are. In fact, there are a heck of a lot; we’re talking 102,000 hectares ...
This wine region is going through a revival in the last years, embracing its classic roots and savoir-faire but not afraid of showing its new versatile side. It...
Let me introduce you to an Italian wine region you probably haven't heard from: Alto Adige or South Tyrol. Alto Adige (in German Südtirol) is one of the smalles...
Santorini is mostly known for its breath-taking views, but did you know they also make great wines on the island? We visited SantoWines, which represents 1200 c...
Deze week maken we deel uit van een team van journalisten en bloggers die de Elzas verkennen. Het doel? Kennismaken met de wijnen van de Elzas. Maar vergis u ni...